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Video Exchange Streaming

Paul O'Donovan
Director Business Development TV Platforms at MediaKind


Paul O’Donovan is the Director of Business Development for the Consumer Experience and Media Platform Business at MediaKind. He is responsible for new MediaFirst TV Platform business across the EMEA region and has been integral to customer collaborations in this area for the last five years.

Paul received a BEng in Electronics & Computer Systems Engineering from Loughborough University during 2003 and since then has spent most of his professional career in TV & Media, beginning at Amino Communications, then moving on to roles at Scientific Atlanta, Cisco, Microsoft & Ericsson. He also spent two years in a closely related role at a successful Cambridge based IOT start-up, AlertMe, that evolved to become Hive from British Gas.

Paul works closely with MediaKind’s customers and partners across the EMEA region to help them understand the rapidly evolving market and how they can better compete and differentiate with consumer experiences in the media industry.

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote Panel: “Who controls the UX, controls the audience”
