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Applied Intelligence Live! Austin
September 20 - 21, 2023
Austin Convention CenterAustin

Neda Navidi
AI Researcher at AI Redefined (AI-R)


Dr. Neda Navidi is an AI researcher with more than fifteen years of experience in designing and developing optimization systems, signal processing, practical AI, and theoretical ML/DL/RL algorithms.

Since joining AI Redefined (AI-R) in 2019, Neda has leveraged her extensive experience to harness the potential of new technologies and implement them across the company’s solutions and services related to human-AI collaboration.
She has also been a guest lecturer at the Quebec University of Montreal.

She has more than 30 scientific papers in different journals and conferences .

Dr. Neda holds a Ph.D. in AI (autonomous driving field) from École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), and postdoctoral from HEC Montréal, McGill University, and Polytechnique Montréal.