Rajesh BhatSenior Data Scientist at Walmart LabsSpeaker
Rajesh Shreedhar Bhat is working as a Senior Data Scientist at Walmart Labs, Bangalore. He completed his Bachelor’s degree from PESIT, Bangalore, and currently pursuing Masters from Arizona State University in CS with ML specialization.
He has a couple of research publications in the field of NLP and vision, which are published at top tier conferences such as CoNLL, ASONAM, etc.. He is a Kaggle Expert(World Rank 966/122431) with 3 silver and 2 bronze medals and has been a regular speaker at Kaggle days meetups.
Apart from this, Rajesh is a mentor for Udacity Deep learning & Data Scientist Nanodegree for the past 2 and half years and has conducted ML & DL workshops in GE Healthcare, IIIT Kancheepuram, and many other places.
Agenda Sessions
Text Extraction from Images: Detection and Recognition
, 10:30View Session