Applied AI for Business Growth for Telco and CSPs is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Applied AI for Business Growth for Telco and CSPs
30th Nov - 1 Dec (1/2 Days)
Virtual ClassroomOnline
30th Nov - 1 Dec (1/2 Days)
Virtual Classroom,

Applied AI for Business Growth for Telco and CSPs

Exploring the unlimited potential of AI in the Telecommunications industry

2 x 1/2 Day Virtual Classroom
30th Nov - 1 Dec (1/2 Days)
Virtual Classroom,

Course Overview

2 Half Days as a Virtual Classroom Course

Options for AI implementation range from network optimisation and predictive maintenance, to customer experience management and marketing chat bots. Join this one day training programme to understand the application and benefit of AI, predictive analytics, machine learning, etc. as a driver for business growth in marketing, sales, customer experience and Human Resources (HR) job functions.

What sets this course apart?

A Detailed Examination of Implementation Use Cases

Delivered by an Industry Expert with Vast Experience

An In-Depth Guide for Non-Technical Roles

Real World Solutions Personalised for You

Attend the 1-day virtual classroom and you will be able to:

Understand how AI is a business growth driver across marketing, sales, customer experience and Human Resources (HR) job functions

Discover how AI is delivering value and new opportunities across multiple operational areas within verticals of telecommunications and DSPs

Evaluate the landscape of AI solutions, providers and service partners

Dive into the commercials and business case justifications for implementing AI solutions to deliver new opportunities for business growth

Understand the value of AI solutions and how these could operate across different functions

Explore how AI can add value and offer cost reduction and operational efficiencies across Telco and CSPs

Gain a thorough understanding of the service, solution and partner market for each technology, realising your organisation’s competitive position within the ecosystem

Spot the opportunity for AI within your organisation

Gain unbiased, reliable training that does not lean to any vendor, provider or solution