Oliver MortonScience Writer and Editor at The EconomistSpeaker
Oliver Morton is a British science writer and editor. He is the author of several highly regarded books on science,
including The Planet Remade: How Geonengineering Could Change the World. He is Briefings editor at The Economist
and has written for many publications, including The American Scholar (for which he has won the
American Astronomical Society's 2004 David N. Schramm Award for High Energy Astrophysics Science Journalism),
Discover, The Economist, The Independent, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, National Geographic,
Nature (where he was the chief news and features editor), The New Yorker, Newsweek
International, Prospect, and Wired. Morton is a fellow of the Hybrid Vigor Institute.[12] He
has a degree in the history and philosophy of science from Cambridge University and lives
with his wife in Greenwich, England.[13] Asteroid 10716 Olivermorton is named for him.