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Next upcoming event: 10th - 14th November 2024
Africa Tech Festival

A Leading Global Network And Event Series For Women In Technology

To power progress and gender equality

Champion Connect Collaborate


EQL:HER is a global network and event series which exists to re-balance gender in the technology sector to secure women an inclusive future across all businesses.

Everything we do is geared at

  • Energising discussions by delivering unique spaces to interact, exchange views and get inspired
  • Engaging a wide audience of women leaders, founders, change-makers and allies from varied backgrounds
  • Elevating women to create real opportunities and drive tangible change

EQL:HER's Commitment

Through our sub-brands EQL:Pledge and Inspiring Fifty, as well as our programme of inspirational events, networking opportunities and robust research, EQL:HER is addressing the challenge of inequity in tech.

Our Mission

To see more women in founding teams, corporate C-Suites, start-up boards, investment committees, and within organisations of all sizes. This will help to combat the current trajectory of technology leaving women behind and close the societal gender inequality gap.


EQL:HER invigorates a strong community of female leaders, game-changers, innovators and trailblazers thanks to a wide programme of activities that include:

Women Leaders at EQL:HER


  • London Tech Week
  • Africa Tech Festival

Awards Women Winners InspiringFifty


  • InspiringFifty UK
  • InspiringFifty Italy
  • InspiringFifty Africa
EQL:HER only community

Reach our EQL:HER Community

  • Inspiring Fifty e-booklet
  • Bespoke reports
  • Inspiring women in tech series

About the EQL:HER community

With a cross-industry approach, EQL:HER brings a wealth of inspirational women and allies together. Our audience can be broadly divided into three main categories:


How to raise | How to grow/scale quickly | A place to meet investors

C Suite

A place to network | Engage with peers | Discuss challenges and opportunities

Talent pipeline

Learn how to recruit and retain diverse talent | Get inspired by EQL:HER community