Michael MartinSecure Networking Evangelist, Automation SME at ex-McKinseySpeaker
Michael J. Martin is a network and network security architect with over 35 years of experience, including working for McKinsey & Company, Advanced Networks and Services, Philips, America Online and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Along with his corporate activities, Michael has independently advised private clients and product manufactures on Data Center, private multi-service overlay and Service Provider network architectures, SDN and SD-WAN, Intent and Zero-Trust networking products and services. Over the last five years he has focused on strategies, tooling and upskilling Enterprise networkers to embrace and effectively deliver networking and network security services in a self-service context. He is the author of Understanding the Network: A Practical Guide to Internetworking, was a contributor to SearchNetworking.com.
Agenda Sessions
Keynote Panel. Towards the automated future: the state of the market for network automation
, 9:50amView Session