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Open RAN as an Enabler for New Service and Revenue Streams
14th July 2022
Online Roundtable
14th July 2022
Online Roundtable

ORAN as an Enabler for New Service and Revenue Streams

Learn Together

As open RAN deployments gather pace, operators are looking at strategies to best monetise their investments.

Until now, Open RAN was about open interfaces, deploying a multi-vendor RAN ecosystem and lower TCOs, yet these drivers are no longer enough to justify the operator investment in these networks.

While increasing vendor diversity remains an essential goal in many markets around the world, challenges remain. Unlike a few well known greenfield operators, such as Rakuten Mobile, most operators are brownfields and have existing legacy networks that they must integrate with the new open RAN networks.

What may be some of the low hanging fruits that can be targeted, such as rural and enterprise deployments to provide quicker returns on investments?

To discuss these and more, please register for this webinar.

Key Takeaways

  • What is holding operators back from going all-in on Open RAN? What are the challenges?

  • What are the concerned from brownfield operators compared to greenfields?

  • What are the different 5G use cases for open RAN and what are the deployment timelines for the most complex one, such as dense urban 5G massive MIMOs?

  • What are the integration challenges that need to be solved?

  • Are all CSPs capable of doing this? What does it take to succeed?

  • Will operators outsource the integration work to SIs or their main RAN vendors?

  • What will be the role of Hyper Cloud providers in this new ecosystem?


This session delivered in partnership by HCL and Informa Tech will bring together a working group of ORAN eco-system players: from Tier 1 operators to vendors and hyperscalers, the market will be represented in this discussion.

- Learn from and collaborate with your peers.

- Work with others that face similar challenges in a relaxed, yet informative, environment.

- This intimate round-table discussion will help you bridge gaps and open doors to new opportunities within the Open RAN sphere.


Roberto is a Principal Analyst in the Service Provider Networks team primarily contributing to the Mobile Infrastructure research practice. His research includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the LTE and 5G RAN and mobile core. He is also a Cambridge Wireless Special Interest Group (SIG) Enhanced Mobile Broadband champion.

Roberto has more than 15 years of experience in the telecoms and ICT industries. Prior to joining Omdia, Roberto was an industry analyst at Analysys Mason where he led the mobile networks research, including 5G and open RAN; he helped telecom vendors and operators understand the technology trends and develop business strategies. His previous experience also includes analysing telecom market shifts and effects, as well as helping clients worldwide with mobile-related projects. Roberto holds a Master of Science in Mobile and Satellite Communications from the University of Surrey and an MBA from IE Business School. He is based in London.