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1.30pm - 5.10pm China Standard Time
7th November 2023
Shenzhen, China

Jacob Zheng
CEO at Eagle Drive Tech (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd


Zheng Zhiyu founded yingjia technology (Shenzhen) Co. , Ltd. in 2015 as chairman responsible for leading the company's product and Technology Planning and strategic development. Is the first domestic launch of passenger cars 360 look around the leader, before the creation of Eagle driving technology, 2001-2008 was successfully founded: Zhilong Crafts Co. , Ltd. , guangxi prepared products into Europe, the United States and Japan and South Korea Super Large supermarket chain, the enterprise was established 3 years, annual sales of nearly 10 million US dollars. From 2008 to 2010, he served as the president of Solid Europe asia-pacific, mainly helping the company to source wood flooring and wooden house parts from China, with an annual purchasing volume of over US $20 million. March 2010 to September 2014 co-founder of Shenzhen Road Visualization Technology Co. , Ltd. , co-founder of road visualization technology, the use of Ti da Vinci series of chips in the first domestic passenger car 360 circumspection, responsible for software architecture and algorithm development. We have successfully built Daoxiao into the largest passenger car rear-loading 360 circumspection enterprise in China. We have successfully built Daoxiao into the largest passenger car rear-loading 360 circumspection enterprise in China.

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote Speech - SparkLink - Creating a New Era of Surround View
