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1.30pm - 5.10pm China Standard Time
7th November 2023
Shenzhen, China

Taimur Zafar
Senior Analyst at Omdia


Taimur is a Senior Analyst at Omdia, leading the home networks intelligence service in the Media Delivery team. His coverage includes FTTH, cable, DSL and FWA broadband CPE, Wi-Fi technologies and streaming media devices. He produces syndicated and custom research on these topics to a wide range of clients across different industries.
Prior to joining Omdia, he interned at the German Aerospace Center and worked on a research project at the Barts Cancer Institute. Taimur holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of Portsmouth, and a Master of Science in bioinformatics from Queen Mary University of London, both in the UK.

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote - Home Networking Market Trends
