ILEC Conference Centre,
London, England
Welcome to Software-Driven Operations 2019 Exhibitor Manual
Here you will find the relevant information and forms to complete for the event. If you have any questions, please contact Leah, your Operations Manager, at Please ensure you read each section carefully and meet the required deadlines. We look forward to working with you in making this a successful event!
Pre-event Checklist
In order to have a smooth running and successful event please use the below checklist for your pre-event preparations.
- Company Logo & Profile
- Event - Timings
- Event Services
- Your Stand - Table top (H&S Form - deadline 18th October)
- Deliveries
- Pass Registration - coming soon
- Plan Your Travel/ Accommodation
- Sustainability
Please email the most up to date version of these types of logos and profile to
1. ai. eps Logo - high res file for banners
2. Jpeg Logo - low res file for website
3. 50-100 word company logo - for website
Sponsors of Software Driven Operations are encouraged to exhibit during both days of Telco AI Summit Europe but are able to break down on Tue 5th evening if needed.
Exhibition Set Up Times:
Monday 4th November: 7.30pm – 9.30pm*
Exhibition Opening Times:
Tuesday 5th November: 9.00am – 6.50pm*
Wednesday 6th November: 9.00am – 5.30pm*
Conference Times:
Tuesday 5th November: 9.00am – 5.50pm*
Wednesday 6th November: 9.00am – 5.30pm*
Registration Opening Times:
Tuesday 5th November: 8.00am – 5.50pm*
Wednesday 6th November: 8.00am – 5.00pm*
Exhibition Breakdown
Wednesday 6th November: 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Please note that all exhibitors must vacate the exhibition room by 7.00pm at the latest.
*Timings are subject to change
ILEC Conference Centre
47 Lillie Road
Greater London
United Kingdom
If you would like to order a TV for your stand or any other AV please click here for the price list and order form from 360, our preferred supplier.
If you need any signage specifically for the event we recommend you use Blue Ant, our preferred signage company. Please contact:
Sue Daniels Tel: +44 (0) 1795 534 433
Your table top stand will come with:
- 2 x chairs
- 1 x dressed table
- 1 x Power socket
- WIFI access
Please see here for information on getting the most out of your table top stand.
All table top stands are required to complete and return the Health & Safety Form before the 18th October. Thank you.
There is space for a pop-up banner or roller banners but they have to stay within your space.
Please note, Informa Tech cannot be responsible for accepting or receiving any shipments on the exhibitor’s behalf.We also do not recommend sending the shipment direct to your stand as the venue as Informa Tech or Exhibition Freighting GSM will not sign for the goods on your behalf. If you chose to do this, you must be onsite to receive and sign for the shipment yourself at the time it arrives.
We strongly recommend the use of the Official Freight Forwarder / Onsite Handler, Exhibition Freighting G.S.M. for any shipping or exhibit handling requirements. They can provide services to collect your shipment from your premises and deliver to you stand, or receive it in Berlin at the advance warehouse prior to the event. Please contact Dave Bennett for further information on Tel: +44 (0) 1732 885 131 or via email;
I shall send through a link to our registration site, N200 Visit.
Here, you will be able to create an account and manage/register your passes for the event.
Once registered, a confirmation email will be sent through to all registered emails.
If you wish to have additional passes that are not included in your contract, please contact your account manager.
Exhibitor name badges will be supplied from the event registration area. These badges must be worn at all times by the Exhibitor and all staff within the exhibition area. Names badges will NOT be mailed to you in advance but will be available from the event registration desk. Please refer back to your contract for the number of passes allocated.
- Delegate Passes allow access to the conference, exhibition and lunch
- Speaker Passes allow access to the conference, exhibition and lunch (Speaker passes will be automatically registered)
- Exhibitor passes allow access to the exhibition only
Should you wish to book accommodation locally as discounted rates please click here to view.
For travel information to the venue, please click here and follow the appropriate links on the page.
Informa Tech is committed to a role of environmental and sustainable leadership in every aspect of our business and recognises the responsibilities we have to our employees, our customers, our suppliers, the communities we work within and the environment as a whole.
Our contribution to a sustainable and environmentally harmonious society is based upon best practice and covers:
Environment: We use recycled materials for office and event documentation and reduce the use of plastics in all our event collateral
Community: To encourage sustainable development in the wider business we endeavour to utilise environmentally accredited venues and support regional agricultural practice by insisting on using locally grown produce for catering at all our large events.
Relationships: Informa Tech has developed an alliance with the Carbon Neutral Company and as a further example of our customer centricity, we strive to locate our events central to where we feel the majority of attendees originate.
Please see attached the insurance summary for our Extended Insurance cover.