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Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series
17 - 18 October, 2023
Colorado Convention CenterDenver, Colorado

Steve Williams
Group Vice President, Access Network Operations at Charter Communications


Change, upgrades, and transformation highlights Steve Williams’ 23 years of broadband experience. Steve started with Road Runner High Speed Online in early 2000 and has been enjoying the growth of DOCSIS-based cable broadband delivery ever since. An early move into technical management, then higher-level leadership, has placed Steve in a bird’s eye position to have led and participated in some highly transformative initiatives. From the launch of VoIP services, to the first deployment of CCAP at a major MSO, then a sweeping D3.1 upgrade completed in 18 months - there has been very little time to reflect before moving on to the next major initiative. Steve’s involvement in industry groups including the national SCTE board elevated his understanding and appreciation of the various views and capabilities within the industry. As Group Vice President of Access Network Operations at Charter, Steve is presently leading the technical readiness initiative to deploy a Distributed Access Architecture solution in an aggressive timeline and at mass scale. As technologies mature, this initiative will touch every aspect of our service delivery and operations and will pave the way for HFC-based services beyond what was being imagined at the turn of the century.

Steve Williams's Network