Voice & Advanced Communications Digital Symposium is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067.

Voice & Advanced Communications Digital Symposium
27 October 2020
Digital Symposium
27 October 2020
Digital Symposium

Exhibitor Manual

Exhibitor Manual

Here you will find the information and forms to complete for the event. If you have any questions, please contact , Sam Armstrong, Operations Executive Direct line: +4402075519483 Email: Sam.Armstrong@Informa.com. Please ensure you read each section carefully and meet the required deadlines. We look forward to working with you in making this a successful event!


In order to have a smooth running and successful event please use the below checklist for your pre-event preparations.

1. Event - Timings

2. Your Stand - Table Tops (Design & H&S)

3. Your Stand - Event Services

4. Schedule Deliveries

5. Pass Registration & additional passes

6. Send your logo as jpeg AND ai/eps & company profile 50 words and a copy of your Insurance Certificate

7. Book your accommodation

Further Information

Exhibition Set Up:

19:00 - 21:00: 4th November 2019


09:00 - 17:30: 5th November 2019

09:00 - 16:00: 6th November 2019

Exhibition Breakdown:

16:00 -17:00: 6th November 2019


09:00 - 18:00: 5th November 2019

09:00 - 16:00: 6th November 2019


From 08:00: 5th November 2019


Please note that with the 'Table Top' stand you will only purchase the a table and two chairs with a power socket. Anything extra will not be provided. Please be aware there is a 2.7m ceiling height in the area. Tables are: 77cm H x 183cm W x 76cm D

If your contract is table top stand please complete the below steps, forms & read the following documents. Please note that this is compulsory stage of the process and has to be completed ASAP.

  1. Please complete the Health & Safety form [CLICK HERE to download].
  2. Should you wish to order anything additional please go to the Event Services section below.

Please submit all H&S, design documents and order forms for all space only stands by 21st October 2019 to Sam Armstrong at Sam.Armstrong@Informa.com



You can order additional services using the below emails. Any inquiries about the below services please contact Sam Armstrong at Sam.Armstrong@Informa.com

Please complete by the deadline in order to finalize your order and avoid any surcharges.


We strongly recommend that you use the Official Freight handler Exhibition Freighting GSM for this event. Informa Tech cannot be held responsible for the shipping of any equipment nor are they responsible for the collection and receipt of any deliveries.

Please download the EF-GSM delivery form [CLICK HERE to download].

If you have any questions you can contact them via

T: +44 (0) 1732 885131


You may also send deliveries directly to the Berlin Palace Hotel. Please ensure that deliveries are not made to the hotel prior to Friday 1st November 2019.

Please use the shipping label provided here. For more details please click here.


Please refer to your contract for how many and which type of pass you have been allocated.

Register your pass

A registration link will be created for you. Once you receive this please follow the link, create an account and register you passes. Please complete this by 25th October 2019

How do I buy additional passes?

You are eligible for a 25% discount on additional passes. Please contact Sam Armstrong at Sam.Armstrong@Informa.com for further information


Please insure that you have a business card to collect your badge onsite

Please refer to your contract for how many and which type of pass you have been allocated

What access does each pass allow?

  • Delegate pass – Allows full access to the conference, exhibition and lunch
  • Exhibitor/Stand staff pass – Allows access to the exhibition only. Lunch will not be provided and must be purchased independently.
  • Speaker pass – any speaker will be automatically registered for a full access pass. This will not be taken from you pass allocation and you DO NOT need to register the speaker separately. If there is a speaker from your company, this will be registered by us separately.


Please email the most up to date version of your logos and profile to Sam Armstrong at Sam.Armstrong@Informa.com by 25th October 2019. Please see the file type required for your logo below.

1. ai. eps Logo - high res file for banners
2. Jpeg Logo - low res file for website
3. We also require a 50-100 word company profile for the website


Please [CLICK HERE] to book your accommodation as soon as possible for Voice.


Informa Tech is committed to a role of environmental and sustainable leadership in every aspect of our business and recognises the responsibilities we have to our employees, our customers, our suppliers, the communities we work within and the environment as a whole.
Our contribution to a sustainable and environmentally harmonious society is based upon best practice and covers:
Environment: We use recycled materials for office and event documentation and reduce the use of plastics in all our event collateral
Community: To encourage sustainable development in the wider business we endeavour to utilise environmentally accredited venues and support regional agricultural practice by insisting on using locally grown produce for catering at all our large events.
Relationships: Informa Tech has developed an alliance with the Carbon Neutral Company and as a further example of our customer centricity, we strive to locate our events central to where we feel the majority of attendees originate.


Please see attached the insurance summary for our Extended Insurance cover.