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5G World Summit
24-26 October 2023
Porte de VersaillesParis

Heidi Himmanen
Chief Adviser, D.Sc. (Tech), Digital Connections at Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom


Dr. Heidi Himmanen is a Chief Adviser at the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. Her tasks include promoting the uptake of 5G in different sectors of the society, such as transport, cities and industry. The work includes supporting trials, innovation and R&D, bridging the needs of verticals and the development work in spectrum management. Heidi has previously worked as Head of Spectrum Supervision and Head of Radio Networks Unit at Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (today Traficom). She holds a D. Sc. (Tech.) degree in Telecommunications Engineering from University of Turku, Finland, and a M. Sc. (Tech.) degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (today Aalto University), Finland.

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel Discussion: Spectrum for verticals: the latest opportunity for connectivity?

  • Panel Discussion: Spectrum for verticals: the latest opportunity for connectivity?
