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Broadband World Forum
24-26 October 2023, Porte de Versailles
24-26 October 2023, Porte de Versailles

Connected Home: New Partnerships Post COVID-19

In the last couple of months, it has become obvious that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on a complete paradigm shift as home working has become the new norm. In the education sector, students have been relying on online education resources every day for the last few months. And in-home entertainment, whether it’s streaming video, online gaming or keeping in touch with friends and family – the result has been an unprecedented increase in home broadband use, which will continue to grow beyond this period as broadband connectivity becomes an essential utility.

Written by Broadband World Forum

Operators forging ahead

There is also increased pressure on both operators and governments to accelerate their universal broadband policies and extend them beyond basic broadband availability. The adoption of productivity applications such as video conferencing and VPN expansion of telemedicine and smart health applications, combined with the growing appetite for digital content, will mean an increased interest in providing bundled offers to provide the consumer the best deal for online content alongside access to other applications.

However, all of this would not be possible without operators first needing to ensure seamless connectivity that stretches beyond the network and into the home, where the biggest bottlenecks have been reported.

Disconnected Customers will not Switch Off but Switch Over

A recent Omdia report into the Digital Consumer Services market, revealed that wi-fi related problems are the main pain point for many customers. Consequently, putting operational pressure on operators. This is leading operators to leverage the highest standard of CPE devices, such as smart wi-fi and cloud-based management platforms that monitor the quality of experience within the home in real time in order to deliver a sustained quality of service and quality of experience going forward.

It’s important to note that the quality of a customer’s experience within the home goes far beyond just the speed.

As the average home broadband speed is climbing into the hundreds of megabits per second, it’s increasingly difficult for service providers to differentiate services just on speed alone. Once the ‘broadband speed’ threshold has been reached, and the consumer believes that their speed requirements have been met, there will be no further incentive for them to switch providers or look elsewhere. There will be little to entice them to change or upgrade. So instead operators will need to emphasise the areas that consumers value in addition to speed, such as hundred percent reliability, great customer service, and quick reaction and solution to issues.

Slow latency, a high-quality connection with consistent connectively, and ensuring a consistent experience within every room of the household, will be the new ‘where to win’ for operators. Operators will need to innovate and differentiate themselves around these key areas in their marketing and product strategies, a central part of which will be the Smart Home solutions on offer to the consumer.

Find Out How Orange is Addressing the Challenges of the Connected Home

Watch our Connected Home webinar ‘Connected Home: Partnerships Post Covid-19’ and join our expert panel, featuring speakers from Orange and Omdia, to discuss how operators are meeting the customers’ demands on the home network. Available for free on-demand, find out how operators are addressing the key challenges to delivering new services, and how operators are developing new partnerships to ensure more people and devices are supported.

Access more insight with your free operator ticket to Broadband World Forum 2020

Get free access to the BBWF Keynotes and hear from global telco giants including BT, Orange, Telefonica, Bangalink, T-Mobile, Etisalat at Broadband World Forum (13-15th October) with your free operator ticket.

With the latest updates on the connected home, network security, 5G FWA and more – don’t miss this opportunity to hear from market thought-leaders and gain valuable insight to bolster your project roadmap for 2021.

Access more insight with your free operator ticket to Broadband World Forum 2020

Get free access to the BBWF Keynotes and hear from global telco giants including BT, Orange, Telefonica, Bangalink, T-Mobile, Etisalat at Broadband World Forum (13-15th October) with your free operator ticket.

With the latest updates on the connected home, network security, 5G FWA and more – don’t miss this opportunity to hear from market thought-leaders and gain valuable insight to bolster your project roadmap for 2021.