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Broadband World Forum
24-26 October 2023, Porte de Versailles

Quarantine exemption for fully vaccinated BBWF delegates

We know that since Covid came on the scene, planning that trip is a little more complicated than it used to be, so here’s a little guidance on the paperwork you’ll need to make your travel experience as smooth as possible.

The information below will be relevant for anyone travelling from the UK. If you are not travelling from the UK, please disregard the below.

There are 3 key things you’ll need to bring with you to travel from the UK to the Netherlands:

1. PASSPORT: We know it’s been a while, but don’t forget this one!

2. PROOF OF VACCINATION & VACCINE DECLARATION FORM: Fully vaccinated residents of countries outside the European Union are exempt from the non-EU travel ban and so are welcome in the Netherlands. Remember to bring your proof of vaccination and vaccine declaration form with you to show that you meet the criteria to enter the country.

3. NEGATIVE COVID TEST: To enter the Netherlands from outside the EU, you’ll need either a negative PCR test result from less than 48 hours before departure or a negative antigen test result from less than 24 hours before. You may need to fill in a short health declaration form stating you have no symptoms, but often this is covered by the airline.

If you come armed with all that, you should have everything you need to get to the show! All of the important stuff you might want to know about health & safety at the show itself, including entry to the event, can be found on this page - we’re updating it frequently.

Travelling Home: At the time of writing, the Netherlands is on the UK’s amber list for travel, meaning that fully vaccinated British people do not have to quarantine on return to the UK, but please use the British government website to make sure you know what you’ll need to do to get back smoothly. If you need a test to return (currently you do), the Netherlands is providing those for free for travellers. Find out more here.

If you have any questions about the above, please let us know. We aren’t able to give any further advice on governmental travel restrictions as they are subject to change and we don’t want to give you out-of-date info, so please use the Dutch government website for advice around heading to Amsterdam and your own government’s website for the way home.

24-26 October 2023, Porte de Versailles

COVID-19 Safety Plan

We want you to feel comfortable onsite so we have in line with the local government and the venue set out a number of measures designed to help keep you safe!