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IoT Data Digital Symposium
March 22, 2022
Virtual Event11 am - 14.30 pm ET | 8 am - 11.30 am PT

Llewelyn Morgan
Head of Innovation at Oxfordshire County Council


Llewelyn leads one of the, largest council innovation services in the UK. Built up over 5-6 years, without any increase in funding from the council budgets, it has grown from a mobility focus to now span all council functions and evolved to a focused innovation service. He oversees 60+ collaborative projects delivered or in delivery, leveraged £150m R&D funding into Oxon and UK focused projects his team has worked on, and supported numerous direct investments into companies through supporting POC and delivery of new solutions. He is a successful delivery partner or lead of numerous Innovate UK, H2020, EIB, GovTech and other innovation projects.

Agenda Sessions

  • Exploring how IoT live data is powering the connected world
