Stephen MellorCTO at Industrial Internet ConsortiumSpeaker
Stephen Mellor is the Chief Technical Officer for the Industrial Internet Consortium,where he directs the standards requirements and technology & security priorities for the Industrial Internet. In that role, he coordinates the activities of the several engineering, architecture, security and testbed working groups and teams. He also co-chairs both the Definitions, Taxonomy and Reference Architecture work group and the Use Cases work group for the NIST CPSPWG (National Institute for Standards and Technology Cyberphysical System Public Working Group).
He is a well-known technology consultant on methods for the construction of real-time and embedded systems, a signatory to the Agile Manifesto, and adjunct professor at the Australian National University in Canberra, ACT, Australia. Stephen is the author of Structured Development for Real-Time Systems, Object Lifecycles, Executable UML, and MDA Distilled.
Untilrecently, he was Chief Scientist of the Embedded Software Division at MentorGraphics, and founder and past president of Project Technology, Inc., beforeits acquisition. He participated in multiple UML/modeling-related activities atthe Object Management Group (OMG), and was a member of the OMG ArchitectureBoard, which is the final technical gateway for all OMG standards. Stephen wasthe Chairman of the Advisory Board to IEEE Software for ten years and atwo-time Guest Editor of the magazine, most recently for an issue onModel-Driven Development
Agenda Sessions
(LeadersIn TechXLR8 – Manufacturing) Welcome from Chairperson and Intro
, 13:40View Session(LeadersIn TechXLR8 – Manufacturing) Industrial Internet Consortium / OpenFog IoT Security – Creating a Trustworthy System at a Reasonable Cost
, 14:20View Session