Emily SavageCreative Sector Lead at Digital CatapultSpeaker
As the Creative Sector Lead at Digital Catapult, Emily is responsible for working across the creative sector to help drive and derisk its innovation with advanced digital technologies. Digital Catapult are a government-backed digital innovation agency, with the specific aim of driving the early adoption of digital technologies to make UK businesses more competitive and productive. They specifically focus on implementing services, programme and facilities based around immersive, 5G and intelligent data technologies.
Emily’s personal experience is centred around immersive (VR, AR, MR); including the technology, the funding landscape and the rapidly evolving business ecosystem. Over the past year she has been entrenched in this arena: For the second year running she is helping to run the UK’s largest immersive content investment programme – CreativeXR – a £1 million public funded accelerator run by Digital Catapult and Arts Council England. Previous to this, Emily worked at the prominent VR silicon valley startups, Jaunt and Upload - gaining insight from a studio and content production perspective and getting to know the noteworthy advances in the industry. Emily is a firm advocate of encouraging more women and a greater diversity into the immersive, tech and creative sectors generally.
Agenda Sessions
Panel Discussion: Where Creativity meets 5G
, 14:40View Session