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MVNOs World Congress
Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

David Clyde
Group Brand Director at Lebara Mobile


David has been building brands for over 20 years, initially at agencies such as Crispin Porter + Bogusky, and J Walter Thompson, and in January 2023 he took on a Group Marketing role at Lebara Mobile. He has guided complex global businesses such as HSBC through the launch of new strategies and branding, and has produced transformational creative work for challenger brands such as Burger King. David is a passionate advocate for great brand strategy, design, and creative, and was also a judge of the 2023 Effie marketing effectiveness awards. As Group Brand Director, he works closely with Lebara’s marketing teams in Europe, and with Brand Licence Partners worldwide, to drive both a strong brand and a highly successful business.

Agenda Sessions

  • Brand as a Catalyst for Growth
