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MVNOs World Congress
Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenVienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Donald Connor
MVNO Europe Representative at MVNO Europe


Donald Connor is the Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at Transatel, an NTT Company, and an active contribute to the work of MVNO Europe. Donald’s career spans an over a quarter-century, during which he has become a leading authority on ICT regulation, policy, and compliance. His expertise is not confined to the theoretical realm; it is built upon a foundation of practical experience across six continents. This extensive global engagement has provided him with a deep understanding of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that characterize the industry for MNOs, MVNOs, fibre providers, and CPaaS, Donald’s work embodies a dedication to innovation and excellence that drives progressive policies and practices.

Agenda Sessions

  • MVNO EUROPE : The future of the EU telecoms framework and the EC White Paper on the future of European digital infrastructure needs
