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MVNOs World Congress
Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenVienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Sandeep Shetty
CEO at Northladder


Sandeep is the Cofounder & CEO of NorthLadder, one of the most advanced Trade-in platforms globally, that is now the leading Trade-in player in over 10 countries serving the top Telcos, OEM’s, Retailers and e-commerce companies

Prior to NorthLadder, Sandeep was Managing Director at Careem, MENA region’s leading mobility company (acquired by Uber for 3.1 B$). Sandeep had P&L accountability for the $1B + core ride hailing business and led the largest team at Careem across Tech, Operations, Marketing, Customer Service etc.

Prior to Careem, Sandeep helped set up a shared services entity for Emirates NBD Bank that was featured in McKinsey Quarterly and is a Harvard Business School Case study. Sandeep then went on to successfully lead a CEO sponsored, 2-year digital transformation program for the Bank

Before Emirates NBD, Sandeep spent 10 years in leadership roles across McKinsey & Company and GE Capital across the Middle East, US and India

Sandeep has an undergraduate degree in Engineering and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM)

Agenda Sessions

  • Trade-In Services for MVNOs
