Network Virtualization & SDN Americas is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Network Virtualization & SDN Americas
September 15-16, 2020
The Westin WestminsterDenver



ADVA is a company founded on innovation and focused on helping our customers succeed. Our technology forms the building blocks of a shared digital future and empowers networks across the globe. We’re continually developing breakthrough hardware and software that leads the networking industry and creates new business opportunities. It’s these open connectivity solutions that enable our customers to deliver the cloud and mobile services that are vital to today’s society and for imagining new tomorrows. Together, we're building a truly connected and sustainable future. For more information on how we can help you, please visit us at:

We're bringing you

  • Lightning Talks: The Importance of NFV & SDN to 5G Strategies

  • uCPE: the platform is the killer app

  • Closing Keynote Panel: Implementing NFV 2.0: The Next Tech of NFV
