Network Virtualization & SDN Americas is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Network Virtualization & SDN Americas
September 15-16, 2020
The Westin WestminsterDenver



Mavenir is the industry’s only end-to-end, Cloud Native Network Software Provider, redefining network economics for Communication Service Providers (CSPs). Our innovative solutions pave the way to 5G with 100% software-based, end-to-end, Cloud Native network solutions. Leveraging industry-leading firsts in VoLTE, VoWiFi, Advanced Messaging (RCS), Multi-ID, vEPC and vRAN, Mavenir accelerates network transformation for more than 250+ CSP customers in over 130 countries, serving over 50% of the world’s subscribers.

We embrace disruptive, innovative technology architectures and business models that drive service agility, flexibility, and velocity. With solutions that propel NFV evolution to achieve web-scale economics, Mavenir offers solutions to CSPs for revenue generation, cost reduction and revenue protection.

We're bringing you

  • Lightning Talk: Telco-Cloud Strategy - Pick a Cloud - Any Cloud

  • Super Platinum Keynote: Webscale From IT to Telco

  • Keynote Panel: Why the Dream of Network Slicing Needs the Reality of SDN & NFV
