Network Virtualization & SDN Americas is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Network Virtualization & SDN Americas
September 15-16, 2020
The Westin WestminsterDenver



NETSCOUT is a market leader in providing end-to-end service assurance, business analytics and network security solutions. With experience in the world’s largest and most demanding service provider networks and through continuous advancement in innovation, NETSCOUT watches over all systems, services, subscribers, and vulnerabilities today and into the future with virtualization, 5G and the Internet of Things. NETSCOUT delivers real-time, traffic-based intelligence that enables customers to provide a flawless user experience by achieving extraordinary service quality and operational excellence, giving Service Providers the confidence to innovate in the connected world ready. With NETSCOUT you have Visibility Without Borders!

We're bringing you

  • Sponsor Keynote: Netscout

  • Breakout Panel: The Business of Security - Risk vs. Return Management Strategies

  • Keynote Panel: Why the Dream of Network Slicing Needs the Reality of SDN & NFV
