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Open RAN World

Paul Ceely
Director of Technology Strategy at Digital Catapult


Paul has over 20 years' experience in technology and network strategy, covering strategy and solutions for mobile, internet, security, network management and technology evolution in general. He is responsible for the medium to long-term technology strategy for Digital Catapult, looking at future digital technology landscape and identifying priority areas to focus on. He led network strategy in the operators BT and EE in the UK, developing the 5G network strategy for BT, was instrumental in the strategy for EEs 4G launch in 2012, as well as taking a leading role in the network strategy during the merger of BT and EE, and Orange and T-Mobile to become EE. Having studied Physics at Cambridge University, he started his career as a graduate working on IP networking and security in BT, before leaving for a startup focusing on network management and network security.

Agenda Sessions

  • Presentation | Insights on Open RAN and interoperability testing - UK SONIC Labs
