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Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series
24-25, September, 2024
Georgia World Congress CenterAtlanta, GA

Betting on Mobility & Convergence

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 7:30AM - 9:00AM

Moderated by: Craig Leddy, Contributing Analyst, Light Reading


Cable operators care about a lot more than their legacy HFC networks these days. Led by the four biggest U.S. MSOs and now the NCTC, cablecos are deploying mobile services throughout the land as they seek to develop a third prime offering to accompany broadband and video. Operators are also looking to weave in mobile so they can offer converged wireline-wireless services to customers over the same shared network infrastructure.

Where does the industry stand with its mobility campaign? How are cable and mobile technologists progressing with their convergence efforts? What will the uber network of the future look like? Which use cases seem the most promising? What are the biggest hurdles that technologists are encountering? How will they overcome them?

In this second-day SCTE TechExpo breakfast forum, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of both mobile services and wireline-wireless network convergence. We will examine the pros and cons of delivering wireless services over the cable infrastructure, as well as the new converged services the uber network could support. Leading cable and wireless technologists will tackle these subjects and more as they discuss the latest developments in mobility and network convergence.


7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m .Breakfast

7:50 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Introduction & Overview: Craig Leddy, Contributing Analyst, Light Reading

8:00 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. Cable Keynote: GS Sickand, VP, Wireless Engineering, Cox Communications

8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Discussion Panel: Converging the Cable & Mobile Networks

Moderator: Craig Leddy, Contributing Analyst, Light Reading


  • Victor Esposito, CTO, Ritter Communications
  • Josh Lonn, VP, Connectivity Products, GCI
  • Rob Wilmoth, Senior Principal Solution Architect, Red Hat