Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series
24-25, September, 2024
Georgia World Congress CenterAtlanta, GA

Craig Leddy
Contributing Analyst, at Light Reading


Craig Leddy is a leading authority, writer, lecturer, and consultant for the cable industry, specializing in the latest technological advances for television, the Internet, and broadband-connected devices. He is a 30-year cable veteran who develops and teaches the highly acclaimed How Cable Works courses (including CTAM’s How Cable Goes to Market)

and produces Cable Interacts events, including the annual Interactive Launch Competition between MBA student teams. Altogether, he has provided expert industry education for more than 3,000 managers and employees. Leddy has a background in business journalism, and he frequently writes for industry publications and websites. Currently he serves as a contributing analyst for Heavy Reading’s Cable Industry Insider Reports, writing in-depth reports on advanced cable technologies. His background includes roles as editor of Cablevision Magazine, senior market research analyst and cable consultant for The Myers Group, news editor for Electronic Media (now Television Week), and contributing editor for Multichannel News. He often speaks on industry panels and is quoted frequently in the press for his analysis of digital media developments.

Craig Leddy's Network