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Smart Transportation & Mobility
May 2020
May 2020

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Event Highlights

The key trends tackled. The entire ecosystem connected.

Autonomous Vehicles

The future of automotive is driverless - but the timeline and tech roadmap remains unclear. Hear the latest insights on the development, regulation, testing and deployment of autonomous technologies

Shared Mobility & Transportation

Ride-sharing, ride-hailing, public transport, scooters. The journey of the future will need to integrate multiple modes into a sustainable mobility experience. Debate the tech platforms, business models and infrastructure developments to deliver this.


With governments across Europe moving fast to outlaw ICE vehicles. Get the latest lowdown to the latest developments in battery tech, charging infrastructure and business partnerships. Are you ready to go electric?

Live Car Demo's

Truly experience the latest innovations in automotive in our car demo zone. Guided demonstrations will give you a hands on experience of the technology that is revolutionising the automotive UX

Project Kairos Start Up City

Innovate start-ups are disrupting the mobility sector. Hear the hottest start-ups exhibit and pitch our Start Up City on the Expo Floor.

Part of TechXLR8!

Experience the wider ecosystem of connected innovation at TechXLR8 and connect with key players crucial tech battlegrounds incl IoT, VR/AR and Artificial Intelligence.