Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series
17 - 18 October, 2023
Colorado Convention CenterDenver, Colorado

Jhuli Takahara
Product and Innovation Manager at Incognito


Jhuli is responsible for working closely with cross-departmental teams to ensure access to new technologies and trends for Incognito’s customers. During her decades working with, and consulting for, large telcos throughout the Americas, Jhuli developed the in-depth expertise to help operators meet their current needs, scale for the future, and satisfy their customers. Jhuli is an expert in emerging technologies including hyperscale, analytics, mobility, networking, and OSS/BSS systems and holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering, a post-graduate specialization in encryption and network security, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA).