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WBBA Broadband Development Congress Agenda

Poonam Parihar
Founder & CEO at bandarlog.dev


Poonam Parihar has over 23 years of Industry experience working in both technology development and sales roles. She was working with Cisco, AT&T, Comcast etc. in Core Network infrastructure product development and testing positions before moving to Keysight Technologies where she worked as a Technology sales architect & expert for Network testing and monitoring solutions and services for Enterprise and Service Providers in East Coast, USA. She is now the Chief Executive Officer of UK based TMT Startup bandarlog.dev, working on AI-enabled network solutions and next-gen applications development focused on SMEs in key sectors such as creative and construction industry.

Poonam Parihar holds a Master degree in Information Technology and Executive Education in Startup Innovation from Harvard Business School.

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote - How will broadband evolve in the future?


At this event