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Cable Next-Gen Technologies & Strategies
March 24-26, 2025
Embassy Suites by Hilton Denver Downtown Convention Center, Denver, CO

Jeff Baumgartner
Senior Editor at Light Reading


Jeff Baumgartner is a Senior Editor for Light Reading and is responsible for the day-to-day news coverage and analysis of the cable and video sectors. Baumgartner, who previously had served as Site Editor for Light Reading Cable from 2007-2013, was most recently Senior Content Producer-Technology at Multichannel News, heading up tech coverage for the publication's online and print platforms, and was a regular contributor to Broadcasting & Cable, a sister publication to Multichannel News. Baumgartner was named to the 2018 class of the Cable TV Pioneers.

Agenda Sessions

  • Welcome & Introduction

  • DOCSIS 4.0: United We Stand

  • Extending DOCSIS 3.1

  • Second Day Welcome
