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Cable Next-Gen Technologies & Strategies
March 24-26, 2025
Embassy Suites by Hilton Denver Downtown Convention Center, Denver, CO

Broadband International


Broadband International is a U.S. manufacturer of outside plant network amplifiers and accessories for cable operators worldwide. Amplifiers are available in various configurations for specific system requirements, with both full-station and drop-in solutions, which means the ultimate flexibility and interchangeability for new construction, rebuilds, and maintenance of existing legacy plant. Custom solutions can be designed to accommodate future needs for 1.2 and 1.8 GHz, as well as Mid-Split, High-Split, and Ultra-High-Split. Products are designed and manufactured in our state-of-the-art global headquarters in Medley, Florida. Our “Strength Behind the Signal” lies with our elite team of engineers, global-reaching sales experts, and customer service professionals.