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MVNOs World Congress
Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenVienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Richard Anderson
COO at C-Connect


Richard is the COO for C-Connect, an MVNO in South Africa which will officially launch in 2024. He has been involved in customer-facing environments within Telco for 20 years, working in the UK and South Africa, across retail and contact centre. He has previously been involved with MVNO in South Africa, having been part of the team to build SmartMobile, one of the early adopters of MVNO in SA. Richard's vision for C-Connect is to create accessibility, affordability and value for all South Africans, on a range of products and services. He has also held executive level roles within the contact centre industry in South Africa, supporting some of the country's top brands across a variety of industries. He is a solution focused individual, with a progressive mindset and never give up attitude.

Despite working mostly in an operational capacity, he is secretly a salesman, and proud of it! He is an avid trail runner, classifies himself as a former all-Ireland chess champion, and a world record holder in a fairly unique discipline!

Catch up with him at MVNO World Congress to find out more!

Agenda Sessions

  • Digital Inclusion for the Mass Market in SA
