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Open RAN North America

Daryl Schoolar
Director at Recon Analytics


Daryl’s research at Recon Analytics focuses on telecommunication service providers and companies that provide networking communication solutions to those service providers. Some of the topics he covers are digital transformation, 5G, 6G, cloud networking, and telecom service strategies.

As an industry analyst Daryl has been involved in such projects as helping technology vendors develop use cases for new products and services, identifying new technology trends, and providing go-to-market strategies for vendors and communication service providers. He has regularly spoken at industry and vendor events on the trends that are shaping the telecommunications market. He is also sought out by trade publications to comment on mergers and acquisitions, new product announcements, and market developments.

Daryl brings over 20 years of industry analyst experience to Recon Analytics. Prior to joining Recon Analytics, he held similar roles at IDC, Omdia, Current Analysis, and In-Stat. Prior to becoming an industry analyst, Daryl worked at telecommunications service provider Cable & Wireless USA, where he was a member of the marketing and competitive intelligence team.

Daryl has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech.

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel Discussion | Hyping Around: How Private Networks Boosting the Open RAN evolution?

  • Fireside Chat | Addressing Challenges of RAN Automation in Both Greenfield and Brownfield Network Deployments

  • Panel Discussion | What are Trade-off Considerations to Optimize Performance?
