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Video Exchange Asia
7-8 May 2019
AVANI Riverside HotelBangkok

Kia Ling Teoh
Senior Research Analyst – Advertising & TV Media at IHS Markit


Kia Ling Teoh is a senior research analyst, advertising & television media at IHS Markit. Her research focuses on the development of the advertising and television programming markets in Asia Pacific. Her latest research interests cover tv programming and online video market in India and China. She is also a regular contributor to IHS Markit industry reports, and has written items on a range of topics, including European broadcaster’s strategy in online video advertising and Netflix’s global production. Kia Ling is based in Penang, Malaysia. She is fluent in Mandarin.

Kia Ling Teoh's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote Panel: Is AVOD the most sustainable business model in driving profitability and growing a loyal customer base?
