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VideoTech Innovation Awards
7 November 2023
Church House Westminster, London

Matthew Huntington
Director of Product at Arqiva


Matthew has over 25 years of experience in developing solutions, services and products for digital and interactive television, starting with video-on-demand trials in the early nineties. He is currently Head of Media Logistic Products and Cloud Platforms at Arqiva, where he is driving the migration of traditional media workflows to efficient cloud based platforms.

A popular video technology speaker, Matthew has the ability to clearly articulate the essence of complex technical issues to general and business audiences. He has written and spoken extensively on hybrid television technology.

Matthew holds a first class honors degree in Computer Software Technology from the University of Bath. He has a number of pending and issued patents and has served on the boards of several industry groups. He currently resides in London, with his wife, Abigail, and daughter, Amelia