Virtual Roundtable: Collaboration in a Post-Pandemic World is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Virtual Roundtable: Collaboration in a Post-Pandemic World
2.00 PM (EST) | 16th September 2020
2.00 PM (EST) | 16th September 2020

Collaboration in a Post-Pandemic World

Optimising business resilience in a post Covid-19 world.

Join an audience of enterprise leaders to explore the challenges that businesses face in rapidly rolling out new UCC strategies, and gain insight on solutions based on real-time case studies.

Event Information


  • Post-pandemic trends in unified communications and collaboration.
  • RE-ESTABLISH: What used to work well and needs to be brought back?
  • RE-ASSESS: What did we use to do and don’t need to do now?
  • RE-INVENT: What have we done out of necessity that is now delivering results?
  • REMOVE: What have we had to do to survive that will not be sustainable in the long-term?


  • Gain exclusive insight from Omdia and Tata Communications on how to achieve business continuity and minimise strategic risk in the new post-pandemic world.
  • Benchmark your experiences with your industry peers through interactive discussions.
  • Hear Omdia connect the dots between recent customer research and future trends.
  • Receive your personal copy of the Omdia summary report based on the content of the event.


  • This event has been designed for up to 15 senior leaders from cross-vertical enterprises.
  • Please note all places are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • All registrations are subject to approval.