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5G Core Summit
10 - 11, September 2024
Atlantis The RoyalDubai, United Arab Emirates

Interview with Mohammed Hassanien, Enterprise Products Senior Manager at Omantel

Mohammed discusses the industry trends, services, and business models in the telco industry. Topics include the increased demand for high-speed, low-latency data services, the growth of connected devices, and the adoption of cloud-based applications. Hassanien also touches on the key foundations of Omantel's 5G core strategy, including network slicing, cloud-native architecture, automation, and security. Additionally, he discusses features in their new core network, benefits for customers, and their preparations for 5G advanced technologies such as massive MIMO and mmWave.

What are some of the big industry trends, services and business models you are seeing? 

Consumer trends:

  1. Increased demand for high-speed, low-latency data services, such as streaming video, gaming, and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR).
  2. Growing adoption of connected devices, such as smartphones, wearables, and smart home devices.
  3. Rising demand for personalized and immersive digital experiences.

Enterprise trends:

  1. 5G Rollout for Enterprises: 5G technology is revolutionizing industries by enabling high-speed, low-latency communication. Businesses are exploring applications like augmented reality, remote healthcare, and smart manufacturing enabled by 5G networks.
  2. Increasing adoption of cloud-based applications and services.
  3. Rising need for secure and reliable connectivity for mission-critical applications.
  4. IoT Integration: IoT devices are becoming more prevalent, both for consumers and enterprises. This trend is leading to the development of IoT-centric services and business models.
  5. Edge Computing: Processing data closer to the source (edge computing) is gaining momentum. This trend is crucial for applications that require low latency, such as autonomous vehicles and real-time analytics.
  6. AI and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are transforming various industries. In telecom, these technologies are used for predictive maintenance, customer service automation, and network optimization.
  7. Cybersecurity: With the increasing number of connected devices and data exchange, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is a significant concern. Businesses are investing in secure networks and services.

What are some of the key foundations of your 5G Core Strategy?

  • Network Slicing: Implementing network slicing allows for the creation of multiple virtual networks on a single physical infrastructure. Each slice can be optimized for specific applications, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
  • Cloud-Native Architecture: Adopting cloud-native principles allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and agility in deploying and managing network services.
  • 5G Open Standards: which will make it easier to integrate with existing systems and third-party solutions.
  • Automation: Automation of network operations reduces manual interventions, leading to efficient resource utilization, faster service delivery, and improved customer experience.
  • Security: Integrating robust security measures into the core strategy is essential. This includes encryption, authentication protocols, and regular security audits.

What sort of features are you considering in this new core network? 

  1. Low Latency: Minimizing latency is crucial for real-time applications. Your core network should be optimized for ultra-low latency to support services like augmented reality and autonomous systems.
  2. High Bandwidth: 5G core networks need to handle massive amounts of data traffic. Ensuring high bandwidth capabilities is essential for supporting data-intensive applications.
  3. Service Orchestration: Implementing service orchestration allows for dynamic allocation of resources based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.

How will your customers – consumers and enterprises – benefit? 

  • Enhanced User Experience: Faster download/upload speeds, lower latency, and seamless connectivity enhance user experience for consumers and enable businesses to deploy more sophisticated, real-time applications.
  • Innovative Services: Enterprises can leverage high-speed, low-latency networks for innovative services like augmented reality shopping experiences, remote healthcare services, and efficient supply chain management.
  • Improved Efficiency: 5G-enabled IoT devices and applications enhance operational efficiency for both consumers and businesses. For instance, smart home devices and industrial IoT sensors optimize energy usage and production processes.
  • New revenue streams: 5G will enable enterprises to develop new products and services, and to reach new markets. For example, 5G can be used to power connected cars and smart cities.
  • Reduced costs: 5G can help enterprises to reduce their costs, for example by reducing the need for leased lines and on-premises IT infrastructure.

5G advanced – how are you preparing your network for the next wave of 5G? 

  • Massive MIMO: Massive MIMO uses multiple antennas to transmit and receive data, which can significantly increase network capacity and speed.
  • Millimeter wave (mmWave): mmWave is a high-frequency spectrum that can be used to deliver ultra-fast connections.
  • Collaboration: Collaborating with industry partners, device manufacturers, and software developers to create a robust ecosystem for 5G advanced technologies.

Mohammed Hassanien will be speaking at 5G Core Summit, which takes place in Istanbul from 14-15 November. Register for your pass here.