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Future Vision Executive Summit
Thursday, 30th November 2023
Plaisterers' HallLondon

Pass Options and Fees

Who has to pay for a pass?

Light Reading invites senior-level telecom professionals to participate in 2020 Vision Executive Summit.

Select senior-level service providers qualify for free admission. All other attendees must pay for an event pass.

Unsure if you qualify? Email 2020vision@lightreading.com to find out!

Light Reading encourages attendees to bring their spouses to 2020 Vision. Spouses can join event dinners and networking excursions. Contact 2020vision@lightreading.com for more information and pricing.

Event Fees for Paying Delegates

Standard Pass Rate: $2,499

Most meals and leisure activities are included.

Attendance is limited, so please consider purchasing in advance.

Please email sales@lightreading.com to reserve your space.

Substitutions and Cancellations


Contact 2020vision@lightreading.com to send another member of your team. Please include replacements name, job title and full contact details in email request. Requests must be received no later than Friday, November 29th.


Cancellations will be accepted with no fee prior to Friday, November 1st, 2019.

Cancellations for 2020 Vision Executive Summit 2019 must be made in writing to 2020vision@lightreading.com and marked for the attention of Sophie Egan prior to Friday, November 1st, 2019 to receive a full refund.

All refunds are subject to an administration charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of your fees plus VAT.

Refunds will not be given for NO SHOWS or cancellations after Friday, November 1st, 2019.

What do you get with a 2020 Vision Pass?

When you register for 2020 Vision, your pass includes access to THREE days of interactive sessions, meals and exclusive networking activities.

Tuesday, December 3

  • Arrival Day! Check-in and pick up your exclusive VIP welcome bag, grab a coffee in our attendee lounge and join us for an informal networking dinner in the Ritz Carlton restaurant.

Wednesday, December 4

  • The Main Event Begins! Your all-inclusive conference pass includes access to the day's event sessions, breakfast and lunch.
  • Rest up then join us in the evening for an informal seated dinner and drinks, with event attendees, at a local Heurigen wine tavern.

Thursday, December 5

  • The Main Event Continues! Your pass includes access to all half-day sessions, breakfast, and lunch to-go -- perfect for our afternoon inner city and Christmas market networking tour.