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Network X Americas
May 20-22, 2025
Irving Convention Center at Las ColinasDallas, Texas

Richard Bernhardt
Vice President, Spectrum and Industry at WISPA


Mr. Richard Bernhardt is the Vice President, Spectrum and Industry for WISPA, Broadband without Boundaries, a national trade organization ( WISPA through its members actively serves around nine-million end user clients especially in rural and suburban areas of the United States. Mr. Bernhardt also serves as an officer and on the Board of Directors of the Wireless Innovation Forum (, a global Standards Development Organization that created the standards and protocols for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) and the 6 GHz unlicensed band. Mr. Bernhardt also serves as the chair of the fixed wireless access task group for the OnGo Alliance ( He has been active in wireless and technology roles for over thirty years.

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel Discussion: Fixating on Fixed Wireless
