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MVNOs World Congress
Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenVienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Kushal Shah
Business Development Director at BT Wholesale


Kushal Shah is Business Development Director at BT Wholesale and responsible for onboarding new mobile partners onto the EE Network in the UK. A seasoned telecoms professionals with over 20 years of experience spanning both consulting and industry. Kushal has leveraged his MBA from CASS Business School to drive industry growth through strategy, business development, commercial, and marketing initiatives at BT, Lycamobile, H3G, SSE, EE and Analysys Mason. Kushal has a proven track record of cultivating partnerships, negotiating complex agreements, and leading teams to secure significant business wins including Lycamobile, 1Global, Wireless Logic, Spusu and of recent. A passion for win-win partnerships and building long term relationships, Kushal would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation at Congress, so please do reach out.

Agenda Sessions

  • 2G, or not 2G, that is the question: The future of low power IoT

  • How to Deal with Your Host Operator


At this event