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MVNOs World

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Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenVienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

The Largest and most Influential Business Hub for MVNOs across the Globe

Packages Built around your Business Objectives







Buy-side Attendance


Countries Represented




Networking Hours

James Gray

Managing Director

Graystone Strategy

“MVNOs World Congress 2024 was a fabulous experience for the Graystone Strategy team and I. The quality of the presenters and the number of new and exciting MVNOs that I got to speak with made this event an extremely enjoyable and valuable experience. Not only was it an incredible learning experience but we also made valuable new customer contacts and I am confident that I can attribute several significant new projects to my attendance at the event.”

The MVNOs World Experience

Onsite networking opportunities that your team can leverage to optimise marketing ROI at the event.

VIP & Speaker Drinks

After a day of meetings, sit back and relax with the MVNO community by coming together in a more informal environment to network with old and new faces.

MVNO Awards 2025

The MVNO Awards give recognition to the achievements made by MVNOs, MNOs and solution providers in the industry. This is a great opportunity to celebrate your success and get the recognition you deserve for your contribution to the community.

VIP Meeting Services

As ever, the MVNOs World team is here to help you connect with the people you want to meet. Let us take the work out of arranging meetings – tell us who you want to meet and we will make it happen!

Speed Networking

How many business cards can you get in 30 minutes? Find out and join our speed networking, where over 20 executives will take part in meeting prospective partners.

Networking App

The networking app gives you a real-time view of who is at the event, as well as the possibility to request their time. You can also manage your own availability, create your personalised agenda, personalise your profile and view the attendee list.