Wendy WheatSenior Director Systems Architecture at T-MobileSpeaker
Information Technology and Network executive. Degrees include a Master of Science in Management and CIS/ Business Administration undergrad. Am a seasoned and skilled leader in Dev Ops, Network tooling and running large scale operations. As a Sr. Director at T-Mobile, I oversee systems stability and operations in IT. As well as leading and uniting all-technology (Cyber, Netowrk and IT).
I cherish time working with students and believe in continuous education. I am also a huge believer and advocate of diversity and women in technology, as I lead and participate in Lean In Circles for women professionals in KC and serve as a Trustee Board member at Emporia State University.
I use the quote from Laurel Thatcher Ulrich: "well-behaved women seldom make history" as my inspiration to challenge the status quo and drive positive change in this world.
Wendy Wheat's Network
Agenda Sessions
Service Provider Keynote. Navigating the female leadership in telecoms: best practices & lessons
, 3:05pmView Session