Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Cable Next-Gen Workshop Series
24-25, September, 2024
Georgia World Congress CenterAtlanta, GA

Dr. Robert Howald
VP of Network Architecture at Comcast


Dr. Howald has over 35 years of technology and executive experience in commercial and military communications systems. He is currently a Comcast Fellow, focused on the evolution of cable systems and services, future network architectures, and emerging broadband technologies. Rob held similar roles technology, management, and strategy roles at ARRIS, Motorola, and General Instrument. Outside of the cable industry, Rob was Vice President of Engineering at Xytrans, specializing in millimeter wave technologies for cellular backhaul communications, and for people screening in commercial asset protection and homeland security applications.

Dr. Howald has taught graduate courses in communications and wireless systems engineering, and has published and presented hundreds of technical papers related to cable technology and communications systems in industry and academic conferences and journals. He has a BSEE and MSEE from Villanova University, a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering from Drexel University, and a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) from DeSales University.

Robert Howald's Network