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MVNOs World Congress
Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Building an MVNO brand

Avi Magid, co-CEO, Fonia Telecom, discusses how he set about developing the brand identity and business model for this new MVNO meets e-commerce start-up.

As my partner at Fonia Telecom and I originally sat down to brainstorm amid the chaos of the pandemic, we pondered the realm of possibilities for a new business venture. With the world shifting towards digital reliance, we were drawn to the telecoms industry, particularly Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).

But as we delved deeper, we realised that to truly stand out in this saturated market, we needed to offer something unique that resonated with the evolving needs of consumers.

Reflecting on the history of MVNOs and their value-added services (VAS), such as SMS lotteries and language courses, we realised the importance of catering to customer demands beyond basic connectivity.

Armed with insights from our other company, Selectivv (which specialises in collecting comprehensive data about smartphone users), we knew we had a distinct advantage. With access to data from 400 thousand apps and 17 million websites across multiple countries, we were able to develop a profound understanding of consumer behaviours, preferences, and trends.

As we strategised how to maximise our revenue potential as an MVNO, we came up with a new concept: our brand, Fonia Telecom, would be a fusion of an MVNO and an e-commerce platform.

Fonia leverages this deep understanding of consumer data to offer personalised services and tailored experiences. From customised data plans based on usage patterns to exclusive discounts and promotions tailored to individual preferences, Fonia aims to redefine the MVNO landscape.

But our vision for Fonia extends beyond just connectivity. By integrating e-commerce functionalities, we aim to transform the way consumers interact with their mobile service providers. From purchasing devices and accessories to accessing curated content and services, it is our aim that Fonia becomes more than just a network provider – but also a lifestyle companion.

As we prepare to unveil Fonia to the world, I am excited to share more about our innovative approach at the upcoming MVNOs World Congress in Brussels this June. It's an opportunity to showcase how Fonia is poised to disrupt the industry and set new standards for customer engagement and satisfaction. To those interested in learning more or exploring potential partnerships, I extend a warm invitation to reach out and connect during the event.

In the rapidly evolving telecoms landscape, the future belongs to those who dare to innovate and challenge the status quo. With Fonia, we are embarking on a journey to redefine what it means to be an MVNO. Our aim is to empower customers with personalised experiences and reimagine the possibilities of connectivity in the digital age.

Avi Magid will be speaking at MVNOs World Congress 2024. Join us in Brussels from 24-26 June 2024 to discuss future opportunities in the MVNO sector.