MVNOs World Congress is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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MVNOs World Congress
Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025


Extend the return on your MVNO World Congress investment, amplify thought-leadership and drive your marketing funnel through Informa Tech's end to end custom content and digital platforms.

Engage, Connect and Drive Growth with Telco Buyers

The telco market and workforce has radically evolved over the last year. This has led Service Providers and vendors to face new business challenges and adapt their corporate objectives to manage disruption and achieve growth.

How do you stand out from your competitors in today's disruptive market? Are you winning market share and driving growth? Are your current marketing efforts engaging with the right audiences and buyers?

At Informa Tech, our marketing services team can help you engage with decision makers, nurture connections, and deliver a pipeline that enables growth for your organisation. We have a range of products and services that can be tailored to your business objectives.

The five core areas we can help with are:

Thought Leadership

Be an authoritative and credible voice that engages audiences. We will work with you to storyboard your business goals through co-branded content marketing pieces.

New Product and Services Launch

Benefit from unrivalled reach to decision-makers in the telco market or in a particular region and launch your new product or service.

Demand Generation

Drive awareness and interest in your products and services. Choose from our bespoke and effective content formats to drive each stage of your marketing funnel with solutions tailored to your objectives.

Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing

Generate MQLs and a sales pipeline with key decision-makers and buyers from your target audience and guide them through the buying process.

Account Penetration

Drive additional revenues from existing clients using an Account Based Marketing strategy.