MVNOs World Congress is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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MVNOs World Congress
Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025


Speaker Logistics

Here you will find the relevant information. Please ensure you read each section carefully and meet the required deadlines. If you have any questions, please contact your Speaker Liaison Manager, Brooke Bignold, or the Event Producer, Chris Lycett. We look forward to working with you in making this a successful event!




Please send below information to Brooke by as soon as possible:

  • 100-word Biography – for inclusion on website and so Chair can introduce you correctly
  • High-res Headshot photo – for inclusion on website, in JPG or PNG format
  • Mobile Number – for onsite contact
  • Twitter Handle – for promotion of your presence at the Conference.
  • Dietary Requirements – if any, please specify.
  • Special Assistance – please inform if you require any specific assistance at the venue.