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MVNOs World Congress
Vienna, Austria

12-14 May 2025

Networking at MVNOs World Congress

Discover the possibilities when you meet and network with the entire MVNO ecosystem in one place.

Can you afford to be anywhere else?

MVNOs Attendees in Numbers

MVNOs World Congress truly is the biggest gathering of the global MVNOs community.

But don't just take our word for it, let the numbers and stats speak for themselves.




Community Experts




Inspirational Speakers


Countries Represented


View the Event as Important to their Business

Connect throughout the event

Pre-day Networking Drinks Reception

Monday 24th June

4.00 - 5.00

Community Connect

Monday 24th June

11.40 - 12.30

Take the opportunity to network with MVNOs, MNOs and sponsors at the event.

Networking Breaks & Lunches

Monday 24th - Wednesday 27th June

MVNOs Awards & Party

Tuesday 25th June

19.00 - 21.30

Each year at MVNOs World Congress, we celebrate and honour the individuals and companies who do the most innovative and inspirational work in their respective fields. Join us for a night of celebrations at the Awards Party as we recognise the achievements and innovations in the MVNO industry over the past 12 months!

1-2-1 Meetings

Schedule and join meetings directly in the app (see details below)

Connect with other attendees by topic, meeting availability, participant type (exhibitor, speaker, etc), and more

The more you engage with the platform, the smarter your AI-powered matchmaking recommendations become!

5K Run

Wednesday 29th June

8.00 - 9.00

Start the day as you mean to go on with a lively two-lap run on 26 June. This is now a deeply embedded tradition of MVNOs World Congress and we invite all abilities to join us for a social bit of exercise.

MVNOs Networking App

Exclusively available to attendees of MVNOs World Congress, this powerful tool allows you to network and schedule meetings weeks before the event. The sooner you book, the sooner you network!

Coming soon! Stay tuned!