Strategic Partner
The ATIS Next G Alliance is a bold new initiative that brings together more than 100 leading organizations and more than 800 subject matter experts from industry, academia and government agencies to advance North American wireless technology leadership over the next decade through private sector-led efforts. With a strong emphasis on technology commercialization, the work will encompass the full lifecycle of research and development, manufacturing, standardization, and market readiness.
6G Partner
The ATIS Next G Alliance is a bold new initiative that brings together more than 100 leading organizations and more than 800 subject matter experts from industry, academia and government agencies to advance North American wireless technology leadership over the next decade through private sector-led efforts. With a strong emphasis on technology commercialization, the work will encompass the full lifecycle of research and development, manufacturing, standardization, and market readiness.

Open RAN Partner
The Open RAN Policy Coalition represents a group of 57 global technology companies formed to promote policies that will advance the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the Radio Access Network (RAN) as a means to create innovation, spur competition and expand the supply chain for advanced wireless technologies including 5G. Coalition members believe that by standardizing or “opening” the protocols and interfaces between the various subcomponents (radios, hardware and software) in the RAN, we move to an environment where networks can be deployed with a more modular design without being dependent upon a single vendor.
Endorsing Association
5G Americas is an industry trade association composed of leading telecommunications service providers and vendors. The organization’s mission is to facilitate the advancement of 5G and beyond. 5G Americas is invested in developing a connected wireless community while leading 5G development for all the Americas. 5G Americas is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington.

Sustainability Partner
The Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) is a global membership organisation dedicated to enabling the ICT industry to meet opportunities generated by applying digital solutions to the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. GeSI brings together some of the largest and most ambitions ICT brands to join forces and drive the sustainability agenda. GeSI facilitates real-world solutions to real-world issues within the ICT industry and the greater sustainability community. They contribute to a sustainable future, communicate the industry's corporate responsibility efforts, and drive the sustainability agenda to meet the SDGs.
Supporting Association
The Fiber Broadband Association is the largest and only trade association that represents the complete fiber ecosystem of service providers, manufacturers, industry experts, and deployment specialists dedicated to the advancement of fiber broadband deployment and the pursuit of a world where communications are limitless, advancing quality of life and digital equity anywhere and everywhere. The Fiber Broadband Association helps providers, communities, and policy makers make informed decisions about how, where, and why to build better fiber broadband networks. Since 2001, these companies, organizations, and members have worked with communities and consumers in mind to build the critical infrastructure that provides the economic and societal benefits that only fiber can deliver. The Fiber Broadband Association is part of the Fibre Council Global Alliance, which is a platform of six global FTTH Councils in North America, LATAM, Europe, MEA, APAC, and South Africa.

Open Community Partners
Open Networking Foundations (ONF)
The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is an operator-driven, community-led non-profit consortium fostering and democratizing innovation in software-defined programmable networks. Through ecosystem building, advocacy, research and education, ONF is accelerating the state-of-the-art in open networking and catalyzing the creation and adoption of open disaggregated solutions leveraging open-source software. ONF platforms are proven and deployed in production and field trials by operators around the world. The ongoing focus is on the expansion of adoption and building of the developer community to bring the power of open source to networking.
Telecom Infra Project
TIP is a global industry organization enabling the ecosystem of vendors, mobile operators, system integrators to develop, test and deploy open and disaggregated solutions. With over 150 participants, and leading mobile operators as Vodafone, Orange, DT, BT, and MTN on the board, TIP accelerates the commercial adoption through system validation."
Open Compute Project
The Open Compute Project (OCP) Community are hyperscale data center operators and industry players, joined by telecom, colocation providers and enterprise IT users, working with vendors to develop and commercialize open innovations that, when embedded in product are deployed from the cloud to the edge. The OCP Foundation is responsible for fostering, serving and seeding the OCP Community to develop new open solutions that can meet the market and shape the future. In shaping the future, OCP will continue to invest in strategic initiatives that prepare the IT ecosystem for major changes, such as AI & ML, optics, sustainable data center solutions, advanced power management and cooling techniques, composable silicon and sustainability.